Multiphase and Multivariable Linear Controllers that Account for the Joint Torques in Normal Human Walking

E.S. Altinkaynak and D.J. Braun, Multiphase and Multivariable Linear Controllers that Account for the Joint Torques in Normal Human WalkingIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019.

Objective: The objective of this paper is to investigate whether a small number of sequentially composed multivariable linear controllers can be used to recover a defining relation between the joint torques, angles, and velocities hidden in the walking data of multiple human subjects. Methods: We solve a mixed integer programming problem that defines the optimal multivariable and multiphase relation between the torques, angles, and velocities for the hip, knee, and ankle joints. Results: Using the data of seven healthy subjects, we show that the aforementioned relation can be remarkably well represented by four sequentially composed and independently activated multivariable linear controllers; the controllers account for 96.5 ± 0.1% (mean ± sem) of the variance in the joint torques across subjects, and 89.3 ± 1.1% of the variance for a new subject. We further show that each controller is associated with one of the four phases of the gait cycle, separated by toe-off and heel-strike. Conclusion: The proposed controller generalizes previously developed multiphase single variable, and single phase multivariable controllers, to a multiphase multivariable controller that better explains the walking data of multiple subjects, and better generalizes to new subjects. Significance: Our result provides strong support to extend previously developed decoupled single joint controllers to coupled multijoint multivariable controllers for the control of human assistive and augmentation devices.